Published on 12/25/2017 5:52 pm
Practical tips for excessive hair fall

Are you getting tired of those bunches of hair that get entangled in your brush every day?

Is the excessive hair fall making you worried about getting bald in the coming days?

Are you not sure whether it is some hair product that is not suiting you much?

There could be several reasons for the weight loss, and the men and women are equally worried because of it in all the parts of the world.

The major reason being the people getting worried about the hair fall is that they are unaware of the simple and easy tips that can help them get rid of this problem before they know it.

In this article, we have gathered such tips that will help you get rid of the excessive hair fall.

Coconut Milk

  • Coconut milk is something that helps the hair fall a lot. The coconut milk is rich in nutrients that not only help the hair fall, but it also plays a role in fighting against dandruff and thickening of the hair.
  • All you have to do is to take one cup of coconut milk and then apply it with the help of your fingers to your scalp. Once thoroughly reached the roots, you will put a dry towel on your head and keep it covered for around 30-40 minutes. After this, you will have to wash the hair with some kind shampoo and dry the hair. Remember not to treat the hair roughly when you use the towel and do not rub them. Just cover them with the towel and let them get dry by just dabbing them softly with your hands.

Aloe Vera

  • Aloe Vera is undoubtedly called the magical herb that it can heal around all the issues and it also is useful for the health of your hair, the use of Aloe Vera helps reduce the hair fall and strengthen the roots of the hair so they break less and they fall less. So it is advised to plant an Aloe Vera plant in the house and enjoy its benefits for the rest of your life.
  • All you have to do is to take a fresh leave of the plant and extract the pulp from it. Then apply this pulp well in the scalp so that it gets fully moistened up. Next step will be to leave the hair in a shower cap for about 15 minutes and then wash them away with a good shampoo. Make sure not to use too hot water.


  • Yogurt is a dairy product that helps in some health concerns and has greatly benefited from the hair fall as well. All you have to do is to beat the yogurt, smooth it up and add an egg to it. Now apply this batter to your scalp and moisten it up. Wash the hair after 10-20 minutes and then use a good shampoo too.
  • If you repeat all these steps once every week, you sure are going to get zero hair fall. Visit for more info.
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